HCMCWA 2015 Champions.
Congratulations to the all the Winners
The Winners are the Grinners..
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Period 2 Vintage Junior.
1.Ken Vincent 215 pts 2.John Mattaboni 119 pts. 3.Andrew Bartlett 110 pts
Period 2 Vintage Unlimited
1.Gary Tanardi 285 pts. 2.Dave Burnett 135 pts
Period 3 Classic Ultra Lightwieght.
1.Alan Warner. 25 pts
Period 3 Classic Lightweight.
1.Shaun Oliver snr 395 pts 2 Suellyn Luckett 158 pts 3.Marco Vittino 85 pts
Period 3 Classic Junior.
1.Glenn Baldwin .
Period 3 Classic Senior.
1.Alex Kennedy 250 pts 2.Andrew Orford 85 pts 3 Nick Montagu 75 pts.
Period 4 Post Classic Lightweight
1.Mark Laing - Hughes 225 pts
Period 4 Classic Junior.
1.Paul Smith 415 pts 2.Shaun Oliver snr 320 pts 3. Neil McNickle 255 pts
Period 4 Post Classic Unlimited.
1.Bob Hull 355 pts. 2.Nick Miller 265 pts. 3.Bob Humphreys 258 pts.
Period 5 Forgotten Era Ultra Lightweight.
1.Ian Wilkins 75 pts
Period 5 Forgotten Era Lightweight.
1.Kathleen Mercer 210 pts. 2.David Mercer 150 pts 3.Scott Canon 134 pts
Period 5 Forgotten Era Junior.
1.Brian Richardson 368 pts 2.Chris Sullivan308 pts 3.Tony Hynes 245 pts.
Period 5 Forgotten Era Senior.
1.David Roberts 169 pts. 2.George Todorff 150 pts 3.Ziggy Maeder 135 pts
Period 5 Forgotten Era Unlimtied.
1.Dan Barson 331 pts. 2.Rory Reibel 322 pts 3.Mark Ackermans 238 pts
Period 6 New Era 250 Production.
1.Richard Langdon 386 pts 2.Tony Hynes 330 pts. 3.Matt Powell 276 pts.
Period 6 New Era Senior
1.Chris Kirby 200 pts 2.Lloyd Pearce 195 pts 3.Rob Fry 168 pts
Period 6 New Era Formula 750.
Period 6 New Era Formula 1300
1.Glen Ottley 445 pts. 2.Rory Reibel 328 pts 3.Warren Davies 165 pts
1.Anothony McFadden 150 pts 2.John Mathers 130 pts 3.Gary Griggs 60 pts.
Rule 20.
1.Glen Ottley 370 pts 2.David Haines 291 pts 3.Bernard Shanahan 197 pts
Period 3 Classic Sidecars.
Bill Hargraves/Annie Tregger. 300 pts
Period 4 Post Classic Sidecars.
1.Kevin Webb/Martyn Dunbar-Stuart 350 pts 2.John Mattaboni/Zane Mattaboni 175 pts 3.Sarah Dillion/Robert Dillon 60 pts
Period 5 Forgotten Era Sidecars.
1.Travis Reid/Tristan Scalmer 395 pts. 2.Mark Ackermans/Dan Barson 340 pts. 3.Robert Williams/Jeff McCarthy 199 ptS
1.Kathleen Mercer 150 pts 2.Billy Couch 50 pts.
Juniors 12-16 yrs.
1.Jonah Sita 374 pts 2.Bronson Pickett 320 pts 3.Joel Couch 317 pts
Modern Solos.
1.Marc Cartier 324 pts. 2.Joshua Mathers 199 pts 3.Chris Kirby 188 pts.
1.Bernard Shanahan 385 pts 2.Steven Pickin 374 pts 3.Brendan Moran 261 pts
125 GP.
1.Dave Doherty 350 pts 2.Kathleen Mercer 232 pts 3.Ian Hughes 139 pts.
Modern Sidecars.
1.Michael Robbins/Karen Dore 210 pts 2.Andrew Davies/Pieter Du Toit 140 pts 3.Des Harvey/Dirk Jeal 60 pts.
Moderns + Thunderbikes.
1.Marc Cartier 324 pts 2.Bernard Shanahan 250 pts 3.Joshua Mathers 238 pts.
Sport Pixx Sport Photography
Perth.Western Australia.